Auto Accidents If you have been involved in an auto accident and suffered damages and injuries as a result, please call the Law Office of Eleanor L. Miller, Inc. for a free consultation at (626) 486-1600. Our representatives eagerly await to assist you.
Slip and Fall If you slipped and fell at an establishment and suffered as a result of their negligence, Contact Us at the Law Office of Eleanor L. Miller, Inc. at 626-486-1600 immediately so that your rights are preserved.
Dog Bite "California is one of the states with “strict liability” laws that make pet owners responsible for most dog-bite injuries. When the victims sue to get compensation for their damages, it doesn’t matter whether the owners knew their dogs had ever been vicious before. That means they can’t argue that they didn’t know their dogs could be dangerous, or that they took care to prevent the animals from hurting someone. The law has some limits. The owner is strictly liable only if the injured person:
was bitten, and
was either in a public place or “lawfully in a private place” when the bite happened."
Reference: E.A. Gjelten, ‘California Dog-Bite Laws,’, December 30, 2019. If you have been injured by a dog, please call (626) 486-1600.
About Us Collectively between Eleanor L. Miller and her staff, we have more than one hundred years of experience in processing insurance claims from auto accidents, slip and fall incidents and dog bite cases through resolution where your claim is vigorously defended and maximum compensation is sought. In addition, with our associations, we are able to handle cases throughout California.
Why does one become a client?
Personalized Attention We deeply care about our clients and we are here for you.
No Fees Unless We Win Our fee is a percentage of what we collect for you. If we recover nothing, you pay us nothing. If you were recently injured in an automobile accident, suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident or injuries from a dog bite, please call us at (626) 486-1600 from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. After hours and on weekends, please call (626) 318-7870.
Our offices specialize in personal injury matters from automobile accidents, truck accidents, bus accidents, dog bites, slip and fall incidents and more.